When integrated with VRAM Mission Control our CobraJets/EagleJets armed with air-to-air weapons become an integral part of our command and control (C2) counter-drone system.
CobraJets/EagleJets can also be armed in "Beast Mode" with 556 GUN, VIPER rockets, and underwing RAPTOR guided missiles to neutralize a swarm of kamikaze drones.
- VIPER - short for "Vehicle Impact Precision Enhanced Rocket".
- VIPER is a 30mm (1.2") solid-propellant high-velocity kinetic impact rocket
- Made in USA and 3D printed
- VIPER can be equipped with our Patent-Pending PYTHON electroshock device, Title - " Electroshock Device for Disabling Drones and Robots" , that disables the drone electronics with a high-voltage pulse (100,000 volts) upon impact
- Can be equipped with parachute to safely return disabled drone to ground
- Eight VIPERS can be fired from weapons bay of CobraJet/EagleJet
- CobraJet/EagleJet is equipped with nose-mounted laser designator for aiming VIPER rockets
- Effective against group 2-3+ UAVs
I VIPER Rocket
- BOLAS are kevlar cords with metal ends that entangle the blades of quadcopters and bring the drone(s) to the ground
- BOLAS are fired from the rear of the weapons bay of the CobraJet and neutralize UAVs without explosives
- Effective against group 1-2 UAVs
- NET-GUNS are 30mm (1.2") tubes filled with nylon nets and parachutes that entangle the drone(s) and bring them safely to the ground
- NET-GUNS are fired from the weapons bay of the CobraJet/EagleJet and neutralize UAVs without explosives
- Six NET-GUNS can be loaded in the weapons bay of the CobraJet/EagleJet
- Effective against group 1-2 UAVs
556 GUN
- 556 GUN is a 5.56 mm rapid fire rifle fitted with 100 or 200 round magazines.
- 556 GUN is fired from under the nose of the CobraJet/EagleJet
- CobraJet/EagleJet is equipped with nose-mounted laser designator for aiming 556 GUN
- Effective against group 1-2 UAVs
- RAPTOR - short for "Rapid Aerial Precision Target Optical Rocket".
- 40mm (1.60") missile fired from CobraJet weapons bay
- Air- to-air or air-to-surface solid-propellant precision-guided missile with AI-enabled computer vision navigation
- Made in USA and 3D printed
- Maximum velocity - Mach 1.0
- Patented Title: "Smart Weapon with Computer Vision" guided missile that can be equipped with our Patent-Pending PYTHON electroshock device that disables the drone electronics with a high-voltage pulse (100,000 volts) upon impact
- Can also be equipped with explosive warhead for unmanned surface (USV) or ground targets (UGV)
- RAPTORS can be fired from weapons bay in stealth mode or from under the wings of CobraJet in "Beast Mode".
- Can be equipped with parachute to safely return disabled drone to ground
- Effective against Group 2-3+ UAVs and unmanned surface vehicles USV and unmanned ground vehicles UGV.
Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)
Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)
Laser designator can be used for aiming VIPER rockets

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Laser can also be used for temporarily blinding the camera of a drone
PYTHON Electroshock Device
NET-GUN with net and parachute
556 GUN
RAPTOR Guided Missile
Parachute Returning Disabled Drone to Ground