INorthern Plains UAS Test Site
The Northern Plains UAS Test Site is one of seven Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) unmanned aircraft system (UAS) test sites in the nation. The mission of the NPUASTS is to collaborate with FAA and industry partners to develop systems, rules, and procedures to safely integrate unmanned aircraft into the National Airspace System without negatively impacting existing general or commercial aviation.
UAS FLIGHT TESTINGAt the core NPUASTS allows operators to test UAS directly in the air, providing the support and means to achieve success for flight goals.
BEYOND VISUAL LINE OF SIGHT (BVLOS)A long history of leading Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flights and research includes working with the FAA to expand approvals from very baseline testing to more advanced operations. NPUASTS was instrumental in expanding standard airspace approvals and involved in standards groups and conversations with industry experts to develop operational procedures to fly BVLOS safely and then to scale this out for commercial use.
ADVANCING AUTONOMY'S FUTUREDecades of team experience in diverse fields provide a one-stop solution for UAS operators. NPUASTS has designed and managed programs for federal, state and local governments, and private industry since our founding in 2013. Creating new initiatives and through actions across the nation, NPUASTS leads the way in advancing the future of autonomy, unlocking capabilities for every community.
- " A direct partner with the FAA, we provide the testing and advisory services to facilitate and enhance UAS flights. Tap into our subject matter experts to help get from Part 107 training to mission execution and train on key aspects of UAS safety and best practices. We help companies provide safety manuals, proper concepts of and host the testing and evaluation of UAS technologies." states NPUASTS
SkyDefense will be testing CobraJets early next year at the Northern Plains UAS Test Site in Grand Forks, ND
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